The innovative technology consisting in combining utilitarian microorganisms with plant extracts obtained by the supercritical CO2 extraction has been submitted to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. Certificates granted by the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH) constitute the confirmation of high quality and safety of healthy strains of probiotic bacteria.

The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary program of the European Union. Since 1992 it has been encouraging manufacturers to comply with the principles of ecology, and ensuring the reliability of the composition and other product characteristics to the customers.
The label is awarded on the basis of ecological criteria approved by the European Commission which takes into account the opinions of both manufacturers and service providers, as well as environmental and consumer organizations. Products and services are evaluated by independent specialized bodies, and the criteria are verified every 3 to 5 years.
The EU Ecolabel takes into account criteria that apply to the entire life cycle of products, which means that the environmental impact should be reduced to a minimum from the production design stage, through the whole manufacturing process, packaging, transport, to the disposal stage. Each EU Ecolabel has its individual number assigned by the appropriate body to a specific group of products or services.
ECOCERT Greenlife SAS is an independent certification body with headquarters in France.
In 2006, a standard for cleaning products was introduced in collaboration with all the value chain stakeholders: suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. Today ECOCERT certifies over 2,100 products through 185 related companies based in 27 countries. The main goals are to define a high level of requirements by promoting the use of natural ingredients and implementing environmentally friendly practices by producers throughout the entire production line.